paper is durable, functional, and attractive, but is does not last forever. It
is perfectly biodegradable. With this in mind, people still have to worry about
its disposal as they do worry about non-biodegradable materials. Regardless of the fact the paper is a product
of trees, it is imperative to note that the composition of the paper changes
when one uses pens and pencils on it. To illustrate this, pens and pencils are
a combination of heavy metals and carbon black. In this way, a paper that has
writings on it is equally harmful as non-biodegradable materials. Further,
paper is not plain wood, but an mixture. Having this, the paper should be
disposed carefully because it cannot be burnt like wood because it releases
dioxins; extremely dangerous substances.
aimed at developing chlorine-free papers that would not pose danger
to humans and ecosystems. The substances became a source of dilemma because they
contained elements that
could not be prevented from contaminating water. For
acceptable durability, the covers of many books are coated; as a result, they
cannot be recycled. However, the covers of the books can be recycled.
Unfortunately, recycling them more often threatens their strength and inhibits
their service. All in all, the option is less appealing environmentally and practically.
a ground littered with cherry blossom appears as a sight that one could
tolerate. Somehow one might wonder if the tree is wasteful and inefficient.
However, when cherries fall to the ground, they breakdown and decompose turning
into nutrients for microorganism, plants, animals, insects, and even soil. This
tree must be generous for feeding earth. It produces more than it requires for
personal sustenance. Humans should reduce the number of structures that they
construct and plant more natural vegetation like the cherry tree.

a junior school kid about the experience growth. He or she will tell you that
it is a good experience because it involves growing healthier, stronger, and
bigger. However, the description is not complete because it should also include
growing into responsible human beings. Growth also takes place in man-made
entities such as industries. As the human grow bigger, stronger, healthier, and
responsible, the industries also grow bigger; consequently, they release more
toxins into the air, rivers, and land. Moreover, more land has to be cleared to
create room for the expansion of factories. Urban and industrial
growth is a potential source of cancer and also behaves as a cancer. Factories
behave as cancer because they have uncontrolled growth that take place for
their own sake and not for the lives that inhabitant it. In the wake of the
expansion of factories, humans have turned into irresponsible organisms.

contrast to humans, ants are far less intelligent, but take care of their
environment by constructing cemeteries, growing and harvesting food, and
handling their own material wastes and those of other species.Human should imitate
ants in regard to relating with the environment.